Greensprings Natural Cemetery Preserve wishes to continue to provide its essential service while protecting the health of its staff, volunteers and visitors. Therefore, the Board of Trustees has established the following Coronavirus safety burial protocol, effective until further notice:


Up to 5 family and/or friends may observe the burial as witnesses and preferably at least two of the five can serve as pallbearers.

Larger gatherings and grave site visits may be scheduled at Greensprings after the COVID-19 virus threat ends.

Funeral home directors are requested to discourage those over 60 from attending burials.

Greensprings staff and volunteers will maintain a 10-foot physical distance at all times except when serving as pallbearers and visitors are urged to do the same.

Greensprings staff and volunteers may wear gloves and masks during a burial.

All buildings will be closed to the public except the outhouse which will be sanitized pre- and post-burials.

We are unable to transport people to a burial site. If someone attending a burial has mobility issues the family or friends are asked to help them get to the site or if this is not possible to use video chat apps like FaceTime and Skype.

Site sales visitations and tours:

Site selection and tours will be conducted remotely - we can provide pictures and descriptions of the 3 burial areas and help you choose your site via email or by phone. 

You are welcome to visit and walk the grounds of Greensprings on your own. While you are visiting please give Greensprings staff and volunteers room to do their essential work. If you would like to visit a loved one and need help finding their site please call ahead (607) 564-7577 or e-mail and we will provide assistance.


The Greensprings COVID-19 protocol is in response to the most recent (3/20/2020) federal and state mandates and directives regarding operations during this pandemic.  This protocol will be subject to modification as these mandates and directives change. We are extremely reluctant to take these temporary, emergency steps because we realize it will be hard for the families and friends affected. But, medical experts have said that the key to limiting the spread of the coronavirus is limiting the contact among people. We hope to return to our normal routine as soon as the threat passes. Thank you for your understanding.